Training & Consultancy

Home Training & Consultancy

Physiocare is an accredited CPD Provider by the Medical Council of Tanganyika. Physiocare provides face to face and online education to therapists.  Physiocare is spearheading public education in leading healthy and active lifestyle. Physiocare undertakes educational activities to individuals and in group settings.

Examples of CPD activities and training includes electrotherapy update, point of care ultrasound musculoskeletal diagnosis, back care management, role of the physiotherapy, ergonomic analysis and posture correction.

Training can take place in a variety of settings in clinics, hospitals, offices, public space. Mode of training is participative, demos, using models etc.

Physiocare shares its years of experience in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation arena to advise organisations, hospitals and individuals in matters pertaining the industry to maximise potential in service delivery, setting up rehabilitation services, rehabilitation guidelines and policies.

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